Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Day 215 - In Cambodia...

...Tarantulas are not pets. They are a tasty snack fried up with soy sauce and garlic. The bus ride from Phnom Penh to Kratie was eventful only in the snack foods sold at each rest stop. Stop one had the widest selection offering tarantulas, crickets, grasshoppers, silkworm grubs, even what looked like shiny black roaches. I sampled the spiders - surprisingly tasty. They tasted like (and had a texture remarkably similar to) fried softshell crab legs.

...Honda Hero motorbikes are the main set of wheels. Them and Toyota Camrys with souped up suspensions to handle the largely unpaved roads. The little motorbikes zip around on every road serving as family car, cargo truck, and taxi all rolled into one.

...The river has dolphins in it. The Mekong is one of the last remaining places where Irrawaddy river dolphins survive in the wild. They went extinct in China in 2006 or 7. There are only about 75-100 left in the Mekong, and about half of those live around Kratie. We took a boat out to see them, and actually got quite close. Unfortunately for the pictures, they are quite fast, usually disappearing with a splash right about the time the camera clicks. That grey 'log' in the left part of the frame is actually a 6' dolphin peering at the boat.

...Children think swatting each other with flowers is a fine game.

...Red sunsets spill across the Mekong as fishing boats and ferries slowly chug towards home.

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