Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Day 33 - 26.6 Kilometres

Today´s flat nothing was filled with sunflowers. Field after field of them. It was like the tulip fields in the Skagit valley, except instead of tulips running up to the horizon, it was big, fat sunflowers, and all the birds and insects associated there with. The skies were also nice today. I´ve forgotten the official name of those particular clouds, but they look like tightly bunched herds of fat sheep.

The multiple flat nothings, paired with Cz´s tendency to stride on ahead when I stop to take pictures, have inspired me to begin/continue a series of photos of iiiiiiiity-bitty Cz in the grrrrreat big landscape. It´s been sort of fun having his bright blue backpack as a vanishing point.

The Albergue in Teradillos is very nice. It´s best feature is the very friendly, very fat husky dog that seems to run the place. He´s so fat, and so much a presence that we refer to the hostel as the "Fat Dog Albergue". It´s no mystery how he got his girth. The owner of the Albergue has to little girls who slip him sweets. He also knows that pilgrims are weak, and begs very effectively. If you don´t pass him a tasty snack, he will literally begin to moan as if he is starving to death.

We had only a little bit of groceries left for dinner, but guess who opened up his sandwich and gave his last bite of salami to Fat Dog? Yeah, we´re suckers.

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