Friday, July 20, 2007

Day 36 - 20.4 Kilometres

Mansilla de las Mulas - Leon

A long 20Km. One does not become fully aware of urban sprawl, office parks, and industrial wastelands until one has entered cities on foot. The bulk of the walk was spent parallel to the highway creeping our way through what felt like eons of low-slung building and roaring traffic. People do the Camino with donkeys and horses, and I can´t imagine how they handle all the pavement and noise.

Leon itself is very lovely city. It is also the starting point for many pilgrims, so there is a palpable excitiement in the air.

We spent a good portion of our time in lovely Leon shoe-shopping. Our shoes might have been able to handle several hundred kilometres of city walking, but the trail had fairly well killed them. Cz is now discovering the joys of heavy hiking boots with serious ankle support, and I am becoming more and more expert at lancing blisters as I break in my own new boots. I think when we get back to the States I will buy stock in Compeed. (best blister cure EVER)

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