Monday, November 12, 2007

Day 151 - Technical Difficulties

Today was our one full day at Chitwan. We planned to spend it catching up on the blog, but unfortunately, the computers at Sauraha (the nearest town), were running too slowly to support blogger.

Instead, we down to the river to watch the elephants having their baths. When we did our elephant wash a month ago, an elephant was brought over to Sapana, and I got to ride her (even got to control her myself!) down to the water. The group elephant wash is much more touristy. Most of the elephants from the breeding center come from their morning jungle treks, and converge on the river behind one of the lodges. Anyone who wants to can go into the river and play with the elephants, but it is much more impersonal.

We were highly entertained by one teenage elephant. He was small - about the size of a clydesdale horse - and invented his own game with the guy trying to wash him. Teenage elephant would crouch in the water. Tourist would climb on, whereupon teenage elephant would give a big shake and toss him right back into the river. Teenage elephant would look very pleased with himself, and crouch down again, as if to say, c'mon, I dare ya...

This looked like it could go on indefinitely. My money's on the elephant.

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