Sunday, November 25, 2007

Day 164 - Trivia is not Trivial

Perhaps the only people I have seen take quizzing more seriously than the Brits are the Indians. There are quiz nights at the local bars, but even more fun, every other Sunday, V and friends get together for Quiz time at a friend's apartment. This being a quiz Sunday, Cz and I were invited along. The game is essentially Jeopardy meets Trivial pursuit. The quizmaster asks questions, and the first team to clap in must answer them. There is a wide range of subjects and question formats. The boys' team had an unfair advantage with Cz and V and their prodigious cache of movie trivia, but the girls' team rallied on the science and literature questions.

In the end the boys won, but not by much.

One poor fellow came in in the middle of a heated debate about whether or not to grant points on a question. "It's just a game", he made the mistake of saying. He was duly chastised. I don't think he spoke again for the rest of the morning.

After the game, we went out for a late lunch and returned home for some scrabble.

I won.

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