Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day 248 - New York, New York

Other than the delay, our flight to NY was uneventful. However, as we approached the runway, I didn't feel the same elation or the the sense of coming home that I felt in Seattle. Perhaps Seattle got all the excitement because it was our first port of call in the USA, or perhaps because it had been almost two years since we had been there. I suspect though it is because I have very ambivalent feelings towards NY, whereas I really loved Seattle.

Granted, we had 3 years to discover how great Seattle is, and only 9 months in NY. Perhaps in time, I will develop a feeling of 'home' in the Big Apple too. For that reason, it is essential that we find a good apartment where I can nest.

I had hoped that because we were arriving on a weekend that there would be loads of open houses or people showing their apartments. Strangely though, everyone seemed to be planning Sunday showcases. So I spent most of the day trolling Craigslist and sleeping off the jetlag. Cz finally got his full day of rest in front of the TV and video games. Perhaps it will help him shake our cold.

We did go out in the evening to meet up with the production manager and stage manager of Merry Go Round Playhouse where Cz will be designing this summer. They were both lovely people and we had a great time reminiscing and talking theatre.

Afterwards, we headed back to our friend W's in Astoria (in whose apartment we are crashing) and ordered a huge NY pizza and mozzarella sticks. All that cheese is going a long way to up the 'home' factor of NY.


Doophy said...

Tell "W" "X" said, "Hi".

Glad you guys are back. Looking forward to the book and inevitable movie adaptation!

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think it's about the fact that you've had less time to get to know New York vs. Seattle. I've been here, what?, a year and a half, and though I'm starting to think of it as home, my feelings towards NYC could still best be described as warmly ambivalent. That is, I like the town as a whole, but so much of it is so hard to deal with or is crazy- (or angry-) making. By this point in our stay in Seattle, I was in loooove with the city (still am).

This is a constant struggle between Jason and me (the cats don't seem to have an opinion except thinly veiled contempt/neediness for all of us). Is the chance for further career development that comes from being here worth the frustration? Would Seattle even be as cool when we weren't having fabulous Grad School experiences in our ivory tower? Hmmmm..

I'm sure we'll talk about this more whenever we see each other in person. Welcome back!